Fall Visits Confirm Seven
During the fall season, Bp. Scarlett visited several of the parishes and missions across the diocese. In two visits to California parishes, he confirmed new members of the respective parishes.
In October, Bp. Scarlett visited St. Mary Magdalene in Orange, where he was welcomed by the rector, Fr. Neil Edlin. Bp. Scarlett confirmed four people: two adults and two pre-teens. He also received four people into Anglicanism. Afterwards, the parish held a BBQ to celebrate the confirmations.
At St. Mary Magadalene, Bp. Scarlett with two of the confirmands and their families
The November confirmations took place at Saint Joseph Parish in San Mateo, the first there in several years. Three people were confirmed: in addition to the two adults, the bishop confirmed a teenager who was baptized at Saint Joseph 14 years earlier. Again, the parish hosted a potluck to mark the visit and the confirmations.
Bp. Scarlett and the Saint Joseph’s clergy with the newly confirmed.
In 2024, Bp. Scarlett will be visiting the other parishes of the diocese, as well as the new mission community in Colorado.