Our Bishop
The Bishop of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity is the Rt. Rev’d Dr. Stephen C. Scarlett. Bishop Scarlett was baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal Church. After drifting away from the faith in middle and high school, Bishop Scarlett went through an experience of conversion and spiritual renewal in his college years. After college, Bishop Scarlett returned to the Episcopal Church his family attended, St. Peter’s Church in Oakland, CA, only to discover that St. Peter’s had become a part of the Continuing Anglican Church. In the years immediately after college, Bishop Scarlett worked in the financial services industry and attended St. Peters. During this time he developed a vocation to ministry.
He studied for ministry at St. Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Seminary in Berkeley, and started a mission, St. Mark’s in Kentfield, CA.
Bishop Scarlett was ordained a deacon and entered full-time ministry in January of 1986. He spent the first nine months of his ministry in Birmingham, AL, directing a regional office for the church and visiting churches throughout the south. In October of 1986, Bishop Scarlett (then Deacon Scarlett) accepted a call to St. Matthew’s Church in Newport Beach, CA. He was ordained a priest at St. Matthew’s on December 7, 1986. He has been rector of St. Matthew’s Church for 34 years, leading it through various stages of growth and a church building project.
Bishop attended the University of Oregon in Eugene, OR, where he earned a B.S. in Real Estate and Finance. He received an M.A. in Theology from Fuller Seminary in 1994, and recently received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Denver Seminary. His thesis was on the topic of Anglo-Catholic mission.
Bishop Scarlett has been married for 34 years to Nancy Scarlett. They have three children, Alexander, Eric and Michael.