Our Parishes
The DHT has four parishes, one mission and one mission community in California and Colorado. All of these congregations offer Sacramental Eucharistic worship, reflecting the reverence and beauty of the English-language liturgy established by Thomas Cranmer during the English Reformation. All use this historic liturgy, as found in the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. We invite you to visit one of our congregations to experience this worship.
St. Thomas Anglican
Worship and meeting address:
215 N. Lemon St.
Fullerton, CA 92832
Mailing address:
2300 Ford Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: (949) 219-0911 x14
Email: info@stthomasfullerton.com
Priest in Charge: Fr. Kevin Craik
Newport Beach
St. Matthew’s Church and School
2300 Ford Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Phone: (949) 219-0911
Fax: (949) 219-0914
Email: office@stmatthewsnewport.com
Rector: The Rt. Rev’d Stephen C. Scarlett
Associate Rector: The Rev’d Hayden Butler
St. Mary Magdalene Church
205 South Glassell Street
Orange, CA 92866
Phone: (714) 532-2420
Email: info@stmarymagdaleneacc.org
Rector: The Rev’d Neil R. Edlin
San Mateo
St. Joseph Parish
770 North El Camino Real
San Mateo, CA 94401
Phone: (650) 347-4423
Fax: (650) 347 5196
Email: frcpl2004@sbcglobal.net
Rector: The Rev’d Craig Looney
St. Mary’s Anglican Catholic Church
2290 South Clayon Street
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: (303) 758-7211
Fax:(303) 758-3166
Email: secretary@saintmarysacc.org
Rector: The Rev’d Kevin Bell
Northern Colorado Mission Community
Worship address (1:30pm on 4th Sunday):
604 Holbrook St.
Erie, CO 80516
Mailing address:
8241 N. Foothills Hwy.
Boulder, CO 80302
Phone: (720) 526-0693
Email: nocomission@thedht.org
Priest in Charge: The Rev’d Nicholas Harrelson