Diocese Forms Domestic Missions Committee

At the June 14 diocesan Synod, the Standing Committee approved the formation of the new Domestic Missions Committee, with responsibility for mission work across the DHT’s 13-state territory.

The proposal for creating the committee recommended three near-term priorities: creating a regular process for establishing new missions within the diocese, prioritizing specific areas for new missions, and strengthening ties to existing Continuing parishes within our territory.

Bp. Scarlett selected Fr. Kevin Craik (planting vicar of St. Thomas in Fullerton) and Joel West of St. Matthew’s as co-chairs of the committee.

Attendees at the 2024 Synod of the Diocese of the Holy Trinity

Although Fr. Kevin was unable to attend Synod, Joel shared his personal thoughts in a brief address to the Synod attendees. While he called on the diocese to launch three or four successful missions each decade, he noted that will require working with the Commission on Ministry to form new clergy who are prepared to lead these missions.

He also contrasted two types of “success” for a mission. The diocesan canons define success as a minimum number of baptized and communicating members, and financially viability to support a rector and other necessary expenses.

However, new parishes in the diocese are also expected to meet the diocese’s vision for 21st century mission, as articulated (most recently) in Bp. Scarlett’s sermon during the Synod mass. Such ministry focuses both on conversion of the heart for new members, and the ongoing spiritual growth of existing members.

Bp. Scarlett expects to meet with Fr. Kevin and Joel later this summer to finalize the full committee membership and discuss goals for the committee’s initial efforts.


The Ordination of Fr. Andrew Harrah


This Week’s Dicoesan Synod