DHT Parishes Mark the Season of Lent
Throughout the diocese, parishes will be offering special programs, worship services and other activities for the annual observance of Lent, which begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14.
St. Joseph Parish (San Mateo)
St. Joseph began its observances early with its “Shrove Sunday” brunch not on the day before Lent, but on the Sunday before Lent. It plans Ash Wednesday services at 12:15pm and 6:00pm.
On Sundays during Lent, the adult education program will be discussing penitential psalms using Robert Alter's The Book of Psalms with Commentary. Wednesday Morning Prayer during Lent will include a short homily and the DHT’s Litany for Church and Evangelism.
St. Mary Magdalene Church (Orange)
St. Mary Magadelene will begin its observance with a pot luck meal on Shrove Tuesday, followed by Ash Wednesday services at 9am and 7pm.
On Tuesday nights, it will offer a weekly program at 6:30pm, with Evening Prayer, Stations of the Cross, and a soup supper. The evening discussion will examine the lives of the apostles, how they lived, and their struggles to understand their place in Jesus’ ministry using Scripture and the popular TV series “The Chosen”.
St. Matthew’s Church (Newport Beach) St Matthew's Church
St. Matthew’s is also hosting a Shrove Tuesday dinner, with pancakes supplemented by various meats and sausages. Its Ash Wednesday services will a said noontime service and a live-streamed sung service at 6pm.
Special all day Saturday Lenten retreats will be held for Men (Feb. 24) and women (March 9) at the parish. Stations of the Cross will be observed on Friday March 15 at 6pm, followed by a soup dinner.
St. Thomas Anglican (Fullerton)
The newest parish in the diocese, St. Thomas will be hosting a Shrove Tuesday dinner, followed by Ash Wednesday services at 7pm.
Its second annual Lenten retreat will be held March 8-9 at the Mary & Joseph Retreat Center in Rancho Palos Verdes.