Bishop John Ndegwa

Bishop John Ndegwa was born in Kericho, Kenya. Although he was raised Roman Catholic, it was while serving at an Anglican orphanage in Nairobi that he truly became aware of God’s love. He committed his life to serving Christ through ministry to the lost, the needy, and the desperate.

Bp. John pursued his education, beginning with the diocesan theological Program, Theological Education by Extension (T.E.E ), earning  a diocesan certificate. He supported himself by producing ecclesiastical paintings, which he continued to do as he became a volunteer evangelist. Eventually, he became the network administrator for a system of 40 institutions serving at-risk youth after earning a Theology degree at Carlile College, Church Army Africa.

After his ordination to the priesthood in 2006, he founded the Saint Jude Mission to build Christ-centered communities that focus on forming church leaders, educating children, and meeting the spiritual, social, economic, and psychological needs of the communities. In 2015, Bp. John was ordained to the Episcopate and was installed as the Bishop of the Diocese of Kenya where he continues to serve those in his growing flock faithfully.


Bishop Wilson Garang